State of Society

Jun 03 2021
State of Society

In a COVID-19 scarred time where illness, job loss, pay cuts, intimidation by security officers and insecurity are recurrent, one wonders how we can survive the untold hardship being forecasted. Hope has become the glorious commodity we all trade in why people of faith are holding on earnestly to their creator. 

Funny, we have elected representatives whom we empowered to serve our interest but whom has succeeded in enriching themselves at our expense, we need a strong leadership to propel us because the rate at which foreign investors are pulling out their resources from the country is alarmingly coupled with the low rate of foreign inflow, high foreign exchange rate, low domestic investment coupled with rising insecurity has contributed to the economic relapse, these  indicators won’t have been so worrisome if we knew the government had a brilliant and clear cut plan to navigate through the looming disaster. 

Nevertheless, the situation can be salvaged, if we the people make a resolution to demand transparency in the disbursement of public funds and probe the incessant loans been collected by the government, hold our leaders accountable and responsible for their actions and inactions, insist on stringent punishment for embezzlement and institutional changes to curb the excesses of security officers, then we can achieve the future we envisage else it will continue elude us and we may have mortgaged our future and that of the unborn generation unknowingly.

Activism and citizens advocacy isn’t about violence inducement but rather dialoguing with the concerned parties to state our demands of course there must be public backing to lend strength and support to the process, so we have a role to play if we want to evolve.